Excerpts / Ausschnitte
1) Perfect Time
Christmas is the moment to reach out to other souls,
The perfect time to consider and renew our goals,
It’s an ideal occasion to build understanding,
An opportunity to resolve a misunderstanding.
Christmas time can break down boundaries,
An event for families to share their memories,
It’s a God-given chance to let go of hatred,
And also to reunite with neglected kindred.
Embrace Christmas and let out your feelings of love!
Open your heart for mercy to descend from above!
Use this season to give a needy your hand!
It’s a festival for peace to take a stand!
Christmas offers great chances seeing the good,
It’s a blessed stage to invoke a loving, divine mood,
An opportunity to treat all as sisters and brothers –
Forgetting myself a little, caring more for others.
Embrace Christmas and let out your feelings of love!
Open your heart for mercy to descend from above!
Use this season to give a needy your hand!
It’s a festival for peace to take a stand!
Lyrics: Guido von Arx
Music, guitars & recording: Christian E. Knoll
Vocals: Agnes Knoop
Arrangements & mix: Christian Knollmüller
2) Fest of Love
The times have changed and it got colder
Nature seems to be getting older
Losing all its leaves and flowers
Daylight only for a few hours.
Grey and fog are in the air
Naked trees and bushes everywhere
People rush to find a cosy place
Warm their feet, their frozen face.
Candle lights and a lovely sweet smell
Something so special – can you tell?
It’s Christmas time, the fest of love
God’s mercy descends from above.
Cold and dark can’t block the light
Snow and ice can’t withstand the love
Is your heart open for the grace above?
Are you ready to share this gift of love?
Candle lights and a lovely sweet smell
Something so special – can you tell?
It’s Christmas time, the fest of love
God’s mercy descends from above.
The times have changed ...
Lyrics: Guido von Arx
Music & arrangements: Stephen Keeling
Lead vocals: Agnes Knoop
Additional vocals: Selina, Jessica, Gioia, Agnes
Recording & mix: Peter Leuenberger
3) Ich frage mich warum?/Stille Nacht
Ich frage mich warum?
In der Weihnachtszeit
Macht es den Anschein,
Als wären die Erwartungen grösser,
Die Zweifel stärker,
Das Verlangen intensiver,
Die Unzufriedenheit spürbarer
Und die Traurigkeit tiefer.
Ich frage mich warum?
Während der Weihnachtszeit
Ist Alleinsein schmerzhafter,
Wenn Gefühle nicht mit Anderen
Geteilt werden können.
Wenn keine Familie zum Feiern,
Keine Freunde zum Plaudern,
Und kein Partner da ist,
Um die Liebe zu teilen.
Ich frage mich warum?
In der Weihnachtszeit
Ist die Sehnsucht des Herzens,
Die Leidenschaft der Sinne,
Sind die Wünsche des Geistes,
Die Fragen der Intelligenz,
Und die Träume der Seele –
Alle viel stärker.
Vielleicht habe ich eine Antwort...
Vielleicht kenne ich den Grund, das Geheimnis,
Dieser ganz speziellen Zeit:
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
Hirten erst kundgemacht
Durch der Engel Halleluja
Tönt es laut von fern und nah:
Christ, der Retter ist da
Christ, der Retter ist da
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
Gottes Sohn, oh, wie lacht
Lieb‘ aus deinem göttlichen Mund
Da uns schlägt die rettende Stund‘
Christ, in deiner Geburt
Christ, in deiner Geburt...
Spoken lyrics: Guido von Arx
Song Text: Joseph Franz Mohr
Speaker: Daniel Stüssi
Music: Franz Xaver Gruber
Vocals: Agnes Knoop
Keyboard: Annina Suter
Recording & mix: Jürg Peter & P. Leuenberger
4) Christmas Time
Is it mainly just business,
A myth some believe in,
A tradition to end the year,
Or something no one really knows?
Is it like any other season,
As agnostics would claim.
Or maybe just a big hype
For those who live around here?
Yet no one can deny
That it’s a special time.
You may not understand
From where the light has come,
Giving hope to all...
Is it because it’s so cold –
Quite a strain for most...
And nature seems lifeless – freezing,
Covered with ice and snow.
Some false expectations,
A sentimentality,
A good-bye for another year,
Something too deep to understand?
And have you seen
The shining light
In the eyes of a child
On Christmas day?
Have you seen?
Yet no one can deny
That it’s a special time.
You may not understand
From where the light has come,
Giving hope to all...
A special time... Christmas time...
Lyrics: Guido von Arx
Music & piano: Stephen Keeling
Vocals: Agnes Knoop
Violin: Noëlle Grüebler
Recording & mix: Peter Leuenberger
5) A Silent Night
Of all seasons in their prime
No one is like Christmas time.
It feels like a state of emergency,
As buying gifts is compulsory.
Where’s my list of presents to buy?
Gifts for her and for him I can’t deny!
Glimmer here, flashy lights there.
High expectations simply everywhere.
I’m longing for a silent night!
Can’t you hear my sorry plight?
Some peace, some sanity, some modesty –
A few Christmas cookies and a cinnamon tea...
Finding peace by going far away:
Here is nothing to make them stay.
Flying to a tropical island, a sunny place,
Trying to set a peaceful pace.
But I’m here. Winter is so cold.
No solace from the lights of gold.
It’s grey and nature seems to be dead.
Many thoughts running through my head.
I’m longing for a silent night!
Can’t you hear my sorry plight?
Some peace, some sanity, some modesty –
A few Christmas cookies and a cinnamon tea...
It would be nice to have some quiet nights!
No news of the world and of all its fights.
No gossip, no radio, no papers, no TV!
No words and smiles based on dishonesty...
I’m longing for a silent night!
Can’t you hear my sorry plight?
Some peace, some sanity, some modesty –
A few Christmas cookies and a cinnamon tea...
And I will be happy.
Lyrics: Guido von Arx
Music, guitars & recording: Christian E. Knoll
Vocals: Agnes Knoop
Arrangements & mix: Christian Knollmüller
6) When It Is Christmas
Freezing winter feels like doom.
See, a cosy light fills my room.
Ice and snow all over the place.
But it’s nicely warm inside my space.
Night is engulfing everywhere.
Can’t you see the candle there?
Trees and plants frozen on the ground.
I feel joy and I dance around.
I am like a child when December comes.
Not only for the fun of snow,
But for the sweet smells and the candle glow.
It is a time for hope to ...
Christmas time I do so enjoy!
Days have become terribly short.
Still, my heart glows with faithful thought.
Darkness is so dense and strong.
A light divine carries me along!
Sometimes I feel little hope.
I know it’s often hard to cope.
I feel quite lonely in wintertime.
But love can be given anytime.
I am like a child when December comes.
Not only for the fun of snow,
But for the sweet smells and the candle glow.
It is a time for hope to grow...
Christmas time I do so enjoy!
Bring some warm feelings to someone in need.
Share your love and it will grow more indeed.
Give happiness to others and you’ll feel sublime.
There’s no better time than Christmas time.
Chorus (together):
We are like children when December comes!
Not only for the fun of snow,
But for the sweet smells and the candle glow.
It is a time for hope to grow...
Christmas time we do so enjoy!
Lyrics: Guido von Arx
Music: Jürg Peter
Vocals: Daniel Stüssi & Agnes Knoop
Grand piano: Annkatrin Isaacs
Recording & mix: Jürg Peter
7) Das Lächeln
Text: Author unknown (from the internet)
Editing: Guido von Arx & Agnes Knoop
Speaker: Agnes Knoop
8) Another Year
Another year will soon be passed
I wonder how it went so fast.
Hasn’t it only just begun
With new hopes and some fun?
Looking back, it scarcely seems true
How quickly time has passed through.
As a child it seemed so long –
Life was slow, it hardly moved along.
But now it’s just the other way –
Time moves fast, not a moment will stay.
It’s as flickering as a dew-drop –
And nothing can bring it to a stop.
Whatever the situation, whatever the strain –
In pleasure or joy, in anxiety or in pain –
Giving some love is always worthwhile,
Some kindness, some care or just a smile.
What have I done and what will I do?
The past is over – the future is not due.
But why do I yearn for what has passed?
The best and the worst will never last...
What is there really besides the now?
Let us grab this moment somehow.
Summer days have gone and the sun is rare –
It’s a good time for my inner life to take care.
A good moment to reflect and to think ahead:
What should I do different or better instead?
To change is not easy, we all know,
Yet every progress is great, even if slow.
So there is no use lamenting for what is gone,
No use worrying over what hasn’t begun.
It is better to appreciate what is here.
Take what you have and what is near.
Lyrics: Guido von Arx
Music: Annina Suter
Vocals: Agnes Knoop
Grand piano: Annkatrin Isaacs
E-Guitars, recording & mix: Jürg Peter
9) Schenken
Text: Joachim Ringelnatz (1883–1934)
Speaker: Daniel Stüssi
Recording: Jürg Peter
10) Adeste fideles
Lyrics & music: John Francis Wade (1711–1786)
Vocals: Agnes Knoop
Grand piano: Annkatrin Isaacs
Recording & mix: Jürg Peter
11) Schale der Liebe
Text: Bernhard von Clairvaux (1090–1153)
Speaker: Agnes Knoop
Recording: Jürg Peter
12) O du fröhliche
Lyrics: Johannes Daniel Falk (1768–1826)
Music: originally from Sicily (18th Century)
Vocals: Agnes Knoop
Classical guitars, recording & mix: Jürg Peter
13) Gedanken einer Kerze
Du hast mich angezündet und schaust in mein Licht.
Nachdenklich siehst du aus.
Fragst du dich, wie es ist zu leuchten, zu wärmen und doch immer kürzer zu werden,
bis am Ende nichts mehr übrig bleibt?
Ich kann dich beruhigen.
Stell dir vor, ich läge jetzt wie die anderen Kerzen unten im Schrank, geschützt.
Wie nutzlos würde ich mich fühlen!
Und wie kalt, wo doch mein Sinn darin besteht, Licht und Wärme in die Welt zu geben!
Auch wenn ich dabei vergehe...
Wie ist das bei euch Menschen? Soweit ich weiß, habt auch ihr euren Sinn.
Eure Träume, Ideen, Talente. Euer Menschsein.
Doch was ist das alles ohne Licht und Wärme?
Würdet ihr euch ohne sie nicht ein bisschen fühlen
wie die Kerzen im Schrank?
Vorhanden, aber doch nur einen Teil eures Daseins erfüllend?
Ob ich brenne, kann ich als Kerze nicht selber bestimmen.
Ihr aber könnt entscheiden, ob ihr brennen wollt.
Für eine Aufgabe, die Mitmenschen, das Leben.
Ob ihr Liebe und Wärme geben wollt oder euch zurückzieht.
Es mag nicht immer einfach sein.
Ihr seid vor Verletzungen nicht geschützt, wenn ihr etwas von euch gebt.
Aber im Gegensatz zu uns könnt ihr daran wachsen.
Und ihr werdet sehen, dass ihr durch euer Geben innerlich
immer grösser und schöner werdet.
Weil ihr euer Licht lebt, weil ihr euren ureigenen Sinn erfüllt.
Du schaust in mein Licht.
Mein Schein erhellt den Raum.
Wieviel kann ich alleine geben?
Sieh die vielen Kerzen, die jetzt in der Weihnachtszeit entzündet werden!
Wie hell wird es durch uns und welche Wärme geht von uns aus,
wenn wir gemeinsam leuchten!
Von uns, die wir scheinbar einzeln gar nicht soviel bewirken...
Zusammen strahlen wir in die Dunkelheit.
Stillschweigend sagend:
Lasst euch anzünden. Licht um Licht.
Text: Author unknown
Editing: Agnes Knoop
Speaker: Daniel Stüssi
Recording: Jürg Peter
14) Stille Nacht
Lyrics: Joseph Franz Mohr (1792–1848)
Music: Franz Xaver Gruber (1787–1863)
Vocals: Agnes Knoop
Classical guitars, recording & mix: Jürg Peter
Web Links
Guido von Arx · www.gita-productions.ch
Daniel Stüssi · www.swisstenor.ch
Stephen Keeling · www.stephenkeeling.org.uk
Christian E. Knoll · www.christianknoll.at
Peter Leuenberger · www.dastonstudio.ch
Noëlle Grüebler · www.noelleviolin.com
Annkatrin Isaacs · www.isaacs.ch
Jürg Peter · www.tonstudio-nord.ch
Concept, photos and executive producer: Guido von Arx
Musical producer: Agnes Knoop
Graphic concept: Agnes Knoop & Guido von Arx
Proofreading: Simone Wyss, Bob Zanotti
Graphic work: Kathleen Brugger · www.adagcopy.ch
Final mix & mastering: Jürg Peter · Tonstudio Nord
Special thanks to the kind sponsors!