Excerpts / Ausschnitte
CD-BookletAngels Are Real
There’s more than meets the eye.
The limit, you know, is the sky.
What’s beyond your eyes, you can’t see.
To that, only your heart holds the key.
You’re doubting – so take a test.
Judge by the result, but give your best.
Close your eyes, appease your mind,
And send love to all mankind.
Angels are real and can help you.
It is what they love to do.
They’re not a childish fantasy,
But a wonderful reality –
They are a reality.
Pay attention to your heart.
Just try, it is not so hard.
Make notes on what you feel.
You’ll see, it’s an amazing deal.
Do it anytime you like.
Believe me, it’s a lucky strike.
Angels will communicate with you.
They will – if you want them to.
Angels are real and can help you.
It is what they love to do.
They’re not a childish fantasy,
But a wonderful reality –
They are a reality.
Feel with your heart.
Learn this divine art.
You will hear the angels speak
If you’re loving, gentle and meek.
Refrain and fade out...
Lyrics: Guido von Arx
Music: Stephen Keeling
Vocals: Deborah Meister
Recording and mixing: Salvo Ingrassia
Ich wünsch' dir einen Engel
Du, ich wünsch’ dir einen Engel! Jetzt fragst du dich vielleicht, was ein Engel überhaupt ist.
Ich kann dir nur eines sagen: ein Engel ist etwas Wunderbares. Doch wie du ihn Dir genau vorstellst, das weiss ich nicht. Aber ist das nicht gerade das Schönste, dass jeder sich seinen Engel vorstellen kann, wie er will? Manche stellen sich ihn vielleicht gar nicht vor.
Ich zum Beispiel habe kein konkretes Bild von einem Engel, aber manchmal spüre ich etwas. Wenn etwas besonders schön ist, du dich freust oder andere glücklich machst – spürst du dann nicht auch manchmal deinen Engel?
Man könnte sich jedoch auch vorstellen, dass sich in jedem Menschen ein Engel befindet. Mit jeder guten Tugend eines Menschen wächst der Engel im Inneren und kommt immer mehr zum Vorschein. Ich bin mir sicher, wenn jeder auf seinen „inneren Engel“ hören würde, gäbe es weniger Leid auf dieser Welt.
Am besten wäre es, wenn du und ich schon mal den Anfang machen und auf unseren innern Engel hören, ihn wachsen lassen, und dadurch die Welt ein kleines Stück verbessern. Lasst uns damit nicht länger warten! Beginnen wir jetzt gleich!
Text and speaker: Teresa Sprenger
Music: Daniel Steger
Merci Beaucoup!
I may be happy, I may be sad,
I may be angry, I may be mad,
I may remember or forget you,
And think to have important things to do...
I may run off, I may turn in,
The day may end, a new one begin,
I may laugh or I may cry,
I may be troubled and not know why...
But you never turn away
Forever you will stay
Sweet and loving is your play
So it’s time for me to say:
Thank you, thank you so much dear angels!
Merci, merci beaucoup mes anges!
I may be asleep, I may be awake,
I may give away or I may take,
I may be proud, I may be crashed,
I may be champion or get smashed...
But you never turn away
Forever you will stay
Sweet and loving is your play
So it’s time for me to say:
Danke, danke vielmals, liebe Engel!
Shokrân, shokrân gasîlan, ya ma-lâki! [arabic]
Let me always remember,
And let me never forget,
That with your wings you protect me,
And with your love you nourish me.
And you never turn away
Forever you will stay
Sweet and loving is your play
So it’s time for me to say:
Gracias, muchas gracias a mis angeles!
Grazie, grazie mille a gli angeli!
Sweet and loving is your play
So it’s time for me to say:
Thank you, thank you so much dear angels!
Danke, danke vielmals, liebe Engel!
Shokrân, shokrân gasîlan, ya ma-lâki!
Gracias, muchas gracias a mis angeles!
Grazie, grazie mille a gli angeli!
Merci, merci beaucoup mes anges!
Lyrics : Guido von Arx
Music, vocals and recording: Christian Knoll
Angels - Our Unseen Benefactors
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”.
That famous and frequently-quoted line from the first act of Hamlet has many applications. But none is more befitting than to a discussion of angels.
Eastern philosophy teaches that there are many incarnate entities. They run the whole scale from most evil to most good. The existence of unseen entities is also taught in Western religious tradition. At the two poles are demons on the one hand, and angelic entities on the other. The latter are the spirits of love, compassion and goodness. Both good and evil are ready and able to come into our lives if we let them. The choice of which ones we want to embrace is a matter of our free will.
In my daily prayers I open myself to God and His helpers, and ask them to lead me into the Light. I also ask for their protection. I am sufficiently convinced that I have received both, and more, in return.
In the course of our lives, we have all been saved or spared hurt, injury, or even death in some miraculous way. In other instances, we are guided to some situation that turns out to be protective or beneficial. Some of us dismiss these synchronistic events as “coincidence”. But other of us are convinced that there are no coincidences – that everything happens for a purpose. We need no “scientific proof”. Often, the purpose of these events is not immediately evident, and may only become clear in the course of time – sometimes never in our time on this Earth.
Angels are the workmen of the Almighty. Their job is to be there when they are called upon for help. They only need to be asked, and they will respond, working for us from their invisible world. That’s what they do.
“You are known by the company you keep”. I recommend keeping the company of angels, and opening ourselves to their guidance and help. For they have an overview – quite literally – that we can never have.
It may not always be possible for us to be “on the side of the angels”. But it’s comforting to know that they’re always on our side. Invite them in.
Text and speaker: Bob Zanotti
Music: Salvo Ingrassia
Your Wings
We’re living on this planet earth
She’s the one who gave us birth
To humans, beasts and plants and such
She's our mother we can touch
Where have the angels, our brothers and sisters, gone
From effulgent worlds we all could know
Selfless service is their way
They bless us every time we pray
We belong together – eternal is our way
We belong together – this is how we pray
Your wings will carry us away
When we fly together you will say
Don’t be afraid your heart’s desire will be fulfilled
When eyes don’t see we are disturbed
We’re challenged to believe in things that we have heard
But if we learn to listen – a higher art
There’s real understanding from the bottom of your heart.
We belong together – eternal is our way
We belong together – this is how we pray
Your wings will carry us away
When we fly together you will say
Don’t be afraid your heart’s desire will be fulfilled
Lyrics, music and vocals: Bhajan Simon Krauer
Bansuri (bamboo flute): Citra Lüllmann
Angel Breeze
Music & recording: Simon Krauer
Bansuri: Citra Lüllmann